On Sunday, 1 September 2013 at 02:05:51 UTC, Manu wrote:
The only compiler you can realistically use productively in windows is
DMD-Win64, and that doesn't work out of the box.
We needed to mess with sc.ini for quite some time to get the stars aligned
such that it would actually compile and find the linker+libs.

I also spent a decent bit of effort getting Win64 to work, and I agree that this is something that DMD should attempt to bundle. It may not need to go as far as downloading VC express for you, but it should allow integration of an existing install during installation (and ideally post-installation as well). This is a pretty big deal IMO. When I was a newbie, issues with COFF vs OMF, coffimplib confusion, etc, were almost deal-breakers to me. I just couldn't get things easily working, and I'm sure many others see it the same way. Having Win64 gives us a chance to fix that, but it *has* to be integrated into the installer. The compiler should ideally detect that the VS linker / libraries are missing when you use -m64, and tell you how to download VS Express as well as directing you to a batch file bundled with DMD to update sc.ini. Going a step further, it'd be even nicer if -m64 was default but that's not feasible with external dependencies. However when it detects a library in an invalid format, it should inform you about the existence of coffimplib and a download link, as well as how this is necessary only when compiling 32-bit executables. I don't think that the core contributors realize how incredibly frustrating these issues are to beginners, and thus feel as if it's not something that needs to be solved.

Getting a workable environment:

Unsurprisingly, the Linux user was the only person happy work with a makefile. Everybody else wanted a comfortable IDE solution (and the linux
user would prefer it too).

This has to be given first-class attention!
I am completely and utterly sick of this problem. Don made a massive point of it in his DConf talk, and I want to re-re-re-re-re-re-re-stress how
absolutely important this is.

I have to say, I don't see why you find this to be such a large issue. DMD is unique in the sense that it's the only thing I've ever been able to compile on Windows without running into many issues. So long as you have DMC installed, it just works. I've never had any makefile related issues on any platform. This is a big deal, as DMD evolves so rapidly that users should be able to get the git version with minimal effort, without having to download an IDE for it.

Overwhelmingly, the biggest complaint was a lack of symbolic information to assist with auto-completion. Visual-D tries valiantly, but it falls quite
short of the mark.
This goes back to the threads where the IDE guys are writing their own parsers, when really, DMD should be able to be built as a lib, with an API
designed for using DMD as a lib/plugin.
I think continuous code compilation for auto-completion and syntax highlighting purposes should be a service offered and maintained by DMD. That way it will evolve with the language, and anyone can use it without
reinventing the wheel.

While yes, it would be wonderful if we could get DMD to do this (again, I don't think a lot of the core contributors realize just how incredibly important IDEs and perfect auto-completion are), it doesn't seem to be something likely in the short-term. That being said, I've actually found Mono-D to be excellent recently. It doesn't handle things like CTFE properly and other similar issues, but for my purposes it's worked rather well (that being said, I avoid mixins for the most part, largely due to this). Despite all this, I'm actually quite happy with Mono-D lately.

One thing I've toyed with is the idea of using reflection for getting auto-complete information. I made a runtime reflection module (has a fair few issues still), and I wonder if it would be possible to use something similar for this purpose. Most modules could be cached, allowing us to build only the module you're altering. On top of that, some real-time parsing could be done for code modified since the last recompile (really it would need to primarily handle scanning for methods and variables). History completion from the current file, such as what editors like Sublime Text do, could perhaps be integrated to completely eliminate the issue of not being able to find a symbol in your auto-complete list. That would likely only kick in when it finds no results for anything else. Plus since you're recompiling frequently in the background, you would get early notifications of errors/warnings like you would in C#/Java. Ultimately though, I'm not sure if this would be updated fast enough (depends how long compiles take) to be feasible.


Poor debugging experience wastes your time every 5 minutes.
I can only speak for the Windows experience (since we failed to get OSX working); there are lots of problems with the debugging experience under
visual studio...
I haven't logged bugs yet, but I intend to.
There were many instances of people wasting their time chasing bugs in random places when it was simply a case of the debugger lying about the value of variables to them, and many more cases where the debugger simply
refused to produce values for some variables at all.
This is an unacceptable waste of programmers time, and again, really burned
us in a 48hour context.

Agreed, debugging is currently lacking thoroughly. Using Linux, Mono-D's works okay but it still jumps around a lot (even in debug mode) and hovering over variables isn't great yet. I really miss the Immediate Window from C# / Visual Studio, and it would be nice to have that. This is something that runtime reflection could handle.


The question came up multiple times; "I don't think this should be an
array... what containers can I use, and where are they?"...
Also, nobody could work out how to remove an arbitrary item from an array,
or an item from an AA by reference/value (only by key).

This code:
  foreach(i, item; array)
    if(item == itemToRemove)
      array = array[0..i] ~ array[i+1..$];
Got a rather 'negative' reaction from the audience to put it lightly...

Completely agreed. Containers are another huge problem which needs to be solved as soon as possible, yet is constantly getting pushed back. The idea that a language like D doesn't even have anything but the most basic containers in it's standard library is laughable. I shudder to think at how many different implementations exist of common containers right now in user code.

Yes, we hit DMD bugs, like the one with opaque structs which required
extensive work-arounds.
  struct MyStruct;
  MyStruct*[] = new MyStruct*[n];

We also ran into some completely nonsense error messages, but I forgot to
log them, since we were working against the clock.

I used to hit compiler bugs very frequently, yet this is something that D has improved incredibly on. It's wonderful to not have to worry with every compile if there will be bugs. It's also wonderful to not have to worry about changing your code with every single compiler release. D has made *huge* headway in these two issues. Sure, there are still many bugs, but they're becoming less frequent for me and I find that workarounds are easier than before.

One more thing:
I'll just pick one language complaint from the weekend.
It is how quickly classes became disorganised and difficult to navigate
(like Java and C#).
We all wanted to ability to define class member functions outside the class
  class MyClass
    void method();

  void MyClass.method()

It definitely cost us time simply trying to understand the class layout
visually (ie, when IDE support is barely available).
You don't need to see the function bodies in the class definition, you want
to quickly see what a class has and does.

This isn't something I've found to be an issue personally, but I suppose it's a matter of what you're used to. Since I'm used to C#, I haven't had problems with this. I've always felt that this was the IDE's job, personally. That being said, perhaps .di files could help with this?

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