Walter Bright a écrit :
Leandro Lucarella wrote:
Walter Bright, el 26 de junio a las 12:30 me escribiste:
Where do you post it, who do you send it to, who is the judge, and
where is the verdict posted?
D should try to avoid being like Iran!
Here's one example Robert mentioned: getting D support into the GDB main source. That doesn't require anything from me or anyone else. It requires someone to doggedly push the changes to the people who control GDB.

It's not a big job - the GDB patches already exist.

But it's a high leverage issue, meaning it'll be a big win for D's
acceptance and credibility.

I have tried to push the patches on[1], but sadly never got an answer from
the original author. Again, some D-related stuff got abandoned, I don't
know, maybe D is damned =/

I guess someone has to rewrite those patches to be able to integrate them
in GDB (or try harder to find the patches author).


The ones less than 10 lines don't need to be rewritten, just the longer ones. It still should be a straightforward job, there isn't that much of it. That's why I suggest it is the ideal project for someone wanting to contribute to D - it's a small project with large positive consequences.

As long as D language is not available on more platforms it will be a dead language. It's a pity that so many people are working on a language that will be only studied in compilation course. There something wrong with D development and I don't know exactly what. Before working on D 2.0 maybe you should work to make D 1.0 working on more targets with ide integration. First I was very motivated by this new language but I am developper specialized in smartphones (wince, symbian, iphone) and I cannot even use it on these platforms. If I was milionnair I would pay someone to work on GDC because this would be the first step for notoriety. Two years ago I generated a D cross-compiler targeting windows ce but now since gdc is not maitained I am not interested anymore in D. I tried to talk about D language to some gcc hackers but they don't seem to be very interested. I am waiting for new pragmatic projects, for instance I am watching ooc projet( that could be a good candidate for what I want to do. So if you don't want D join other dead language at museum, please focus on simple things and make it availaible for all platforms.

PS : I don't want to start a war ;-) I am just disappointed that I still cannot use it on arm platforms and I am not the only one I think.
By the way what is the status of llvm D ?
And is there any remaining bug in D 1.0 ?

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