On 9/9/13 10:38 AM, Russel Winder wrote:
On Mon, 2013-09-09 at 06:57 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
If someone can point me to how to make it so, I'll take care of it.

I will check, but I think ownership change is a push operation rather
than a pull operation. Andrei has write powers in both organizations and
so is the person who can action the ownership transfer. At that point
the other members of the current organization will lose write permission
and will have to resort to pull requests themselves.

It is really that someone with write permission has to ensure pull
requests get actioned in reasonable time with reasonable evidence. Sadly
this generally involves running the updates themselves as E-Lisp has
very poor testing facilities so TDD is not really an option :-(

I'd be glad to but I need a fair amount of handholding as I hadn't even heard of most acronyms you mentioned. Probably more effective would be to give you write access appropriately - all that's needed really is responsibility, which I assume you muster :o).


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