On 09/09/13 21:26, Flamaros wrote:
Personally I think that phobos contains some parts that are in Qt base, so a
wrapper isn't a perfect solution for D. It's certainly the fastest way to extend
the D framework and add a GUI library, but Qt phylosophy doesn't match perfectly
with D. Just take a look to moc, in D it's possible and preferable to do without
That why we started DQuick to create a complete adaption of QtQuick to D, this
is much hard to do but DQuick has the potential to be much more suitable for D.
I've just had a read through your DQuick announcement thread. It looks like a
really nice project -- I wish you a lot of success with this.
Now, that said, while Qt may have some issues with respect to D, supporting it
isn't just a matter of wanting a GUI solution. It's not just a graphical
toolkit -- it's THE most important cross-platform toolkit, and has been chosen
as a first-class SDK component by various platforms. I'd say that makes good
and up-to-date QtD bindings a very important strategic goal.