
> What would be the NaN of uint ?

Having a NaN in just signed integral values (of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 bytes) looks 
enough to me, see below.

>What if you actually need 2^32 different values (such as in a linear 
>congruential random number generator) ?<

I agree that there are many situations where you want 2^32 different values, or 
2^16, etc, in such situations you can use an utiny/ushort/uint/ulong/ucent that 
has no nan (and once in while you may even use a nullable uint like in C#).

But I think it's much less common to need 2^32 or 2^64 different signed 

>Besides, there would be no cheap way to ensure NaN propagation (no hardware 

I was talking about having hardware support, of course.


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