On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:35:00PM +0000, Justin Whear wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 15:51:41 -0700, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > My ideal, actually, would be to liberate the command-line from its
> > single-line restriction. It would be in insert mode by default, to
> > cater for the common case, but hitting ESC would put it into
> > navigation mode, where you can use vi movement keys to navigate. You
> > could construct the command in a block (almost like a one-off shell
> > script) before committing and executing it.
> Do you know about C-x C-e?  If EDITOR is set to "vi" it should open
> the current command in vi as a temp file, allow you to edit, and when
> you write and quit it'll execute it.  Not sure if this is Bash only or
> universal.

Whoa. My mind is blown.

I'm gonna hafta do this from now on. :) (OK, C-x C-e is so emacs-y, but
I do have $EDITOR set to vim, so I'll deal. ;-))


"I'm not childish; I'm just in touch with the child within!" - RL

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