On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 08:42:16 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Friday, 13 September 2013 at 19:48:18 UTC, Namespace wrote:
Just out of interest.

I use Sublime 2, Notepad++ and as IDE currently Mono-D. But I will try this evening VisualD.

I have been using jEdit quite a lot, in fact I've done most of my D programming in jEdit. jEdit may be the odd on out (i.e. written in Java), but I have not yet found an editor that has so many useful features and is so easily customizable, I can also use it on any platform. It is quite stable and performance (Java) is usually not an issue. I've tried loads of different editors but keep coming back to this one. (Textadept looks good, but it's too much of a hassle to customize it).

Although nice to have, D doesn't really need an IDE. IDEs can easily degenerate into luxurious prisons.

Enjoying gold cage prisons since 1991. :)

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