On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 20:46:00 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
Am 18.09.2013 22:31, schrieb H. S. Teoh:
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 03:01:26AM +0200, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Tuesday, 17 September 2013 at 17:01:55 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Actually, that gives me an idea. What if, instead of defaulting to
character data, the terminal input stream defaults to control

hehe those who don't understand Windows are doomed to reinvent it :)
:) :)

lol... though it makes me think of the latest C++ proposals as "those
who don't understand D are doomed to reinvent it, poorly". :-P

Even though I bought the updated version of "The C++ Programming Language", I've started to get the feeling that the C++ standard might get into the same direction as ANSI Extended Pascal.

It gets updated, but besides a few places in the world, developers will eventually stop caring.

I agree with Andrei's statement at Going Native. Even if C++14 and eventually C++17 make developer's life easier, you still need to know all archaic issues all the way back to C, to be able to tackle any issues that come up.

I remember in the old DOS days, some games would load up custom graphics into the video card's text font buffer, so that they can draw sprites just by writing the corresponding characters into the video card's text buffer. You can get very fast drawing rates since the video card does most of the work for you (and you only need to transfer 1 byte per 8x8
block of pixels instead of 8 bytes or more).

In the Amiga was even better, thanks to the custom blitter chips. Just set up the required information and start a few DMA operations.

Nowadays, you can get a similar effect with a few shaders.


Did someone say Amiga? :D

The first consumer PC that had a programmable GPU...with only 3 instructions.


WAIT (for the raster to reach a line)
MOVE (some data, 16-bits from memory)
SKIP (...can't remember exactly what this did, rarely used it. I think was to skip instructions in the copper list.)

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