On Friday, 20-Sep-13 11:59 AM, JohnnyK wrote:
On Friday, 20 September 2013 at 16:20:34 UTC, Duke Normandin wrote:
I'm re-visiting the D language. I've compared the file sizes of 2
executables - 1 is compiled C code using gcc; the other is D code
using dmd.

helloWorld.d => helloWorld.exe = 146,972 bytes
ex1hello.c => ex1-hello.exe = 5,661 bytes

Why such a huge difference???


That 140KB is called the CYA document.  It is there so that when you
the programmer screws up you don't look so bad in front of your boss.

[quote]CYA document ...[/quote]

sounds about right!!! :)

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