I'm investigating a "inconsistent" behavior in std.traits regarding how the traits react when being passed an enum. To make things simple, they don't react the way you'd expect.

Consider the simple types:
struct User
    char c;
    alias c this;

enum E_char : char {a = char.init}
enum E_User : User {a = User.init}

Question: Which of these are aggregates? which of these are some char type?
static assert(!isAggregateType!char);   //Makes sense
static assert( isAggregateType!User);   //Makes sense
static assert(!isAggregateType!E_char); //Makes sense
static assert(!isAggregateType!E_User); //[1] Makes no sense

static assert(  isSomeChar!char);   //Makes sense
static assert( !isSomeChar!User);   //Makes sense
static assert(  isSomeChar!E_char); //[2] Makes sense?
static assert(  isSomeChar!E_User); //[3] Makes no sense

As you can see, I think behaviors [1] and [3] simply make no sense. "[2]" is arguably up to debate.

In any case, I was wondering what the root issue was: Is it the implementation of std.trait or does it come from this behavior for "is", when enums are involved:

static assert ( is(User == struct));
static assert ( is(E_char == enum));
static assert ( is(E_User == enum));
static assert (!is(E_char == struct));
static assert (!is(E_User == struct)); //[HERE]

Question 1: Does the scenario [HERE] make sense? Is this correct behavior?

Question 2: Would the syntax: "is (T : struct)" or "is (T : enum)" make sense? It would work around the "problem" elegantly, as well as also provide support for asking things such as "does this class have an alias this to a struct", or "does this struct have an alias this to an enum"?

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