On 9/23/13 9:47 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
I always understood void[] as block of unkown data. Which a allocator
should return in my opinion. Whats the point of "void" having a size in
D if we still do it the C way? In my opinion ubyte[] is a array of
values in the range of 0-255 like manu says. Also if you get a ubyte[]
you might get the opinion that it is initialized to all zeros or
something. Which might not be true for all allocators (performance ...)
If you get a void[] you know, all bets are off, and you have to check if
the allocator preinitialized it or not.

You might be right. For example, ubyte[] allows arithmetic on its elements, which is something one shouldn't ever care to do in an allocation library.

I'm unclear on what void[] means starting from its semantics. That said, I replaced ubyte[] with void[] throughout my existing code and it works.


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