On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Eric Poggel<dnewsgr...@yage3d.net> wrote:

> I don't have D2 installed, but the above fails to compile in d1
> (non-constant expression __dgliteral1).  I've also always found the above
> syntax confusing, on the left we have "int delegate" and on the right,
> "delegate int".  Perhaps it should always be "int delegate", and whether a
> function body is present determines whether the expression is a type or an
> anonymous function.  "int delegate" is also similar to how other functions
> are defined, since "delegate" simply replaces the function name, and it's
> similar to other languages, such as ECMA script v4 (ActionScript 3)

It would make parsing expressions prohibitively difficult.  Consider:

func(X); // X is just a name
func(X[]); // X[] is a whole-array slice
func(X[] delegate() { return new X[5]; }); // ughh

In the last case in particular, the compiler would already have parsed
X[] as a slice expression, and then bam!  'delegate'.  Shit, now it
has to rewrite or reparse the previous 'X[]' as a type instead of an

Furthermore, having 'delegate' come first in the literals lets you
skip the return type entirely with little change in the parsing:

func(delegate() { return new X[5]; });

> Perhaps also, functions should have available an arguments property that
> would be a struct of the functions arguments, of type ParamTypeTuple!(func),
> e.g.
> void foo(int a)
> {       bar(foo.arguments);
> }
> void bar(int a)
> {       writefln(bar.arguments.a); // writes 3
>        writefln(a); // writes 3
> }
> foo(3);
> To me, this is much more straightforward than using std.stdarg when varargs
> come into play.  Perhaps foo.closure could reference any variables captured
> in a closure.

You're basically talking about variadic template args:

void foo(Args...)(Args args)

void bar(Args...)(Args args)

bar(1, 2, 3); // prints 123

> Finally, in D2, was a way ever figured out to differentiate between
> delegates and closures, so that delegates can be used w/o heap allocation?

IIRC the 'scope' attribute on a delegate function parameter makes it
so that if you pass a delegate literal to that param, it won't be
allocated as a closure.  But that's still rather restrictive, since it
*forces* you to pass the closure as a parameter, which starts to get
really ugly if the delegate you're passing is large.

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