On 23/09/2013 23:57, Iain Buclaw wrote:
On 23 September 2013 20:50, Bruno Medeiros
<brunodomedeiros+...@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm looking to begin adding integrated debugger support for the DDT IDE
pretty soon. With this in mind it would be desirable to have a view of what
level of D language debugger support is there for the various combinations
of platform+compiler+debugger.

This information would be quite beneficial to regular D users as well, as
Manu's recent thread on the importance of a debugger is any indication of.
Yet there doesn't seem to be any info about this in the wiki. The debuggers
wiki page ( http://wiki.dlang.org/Debuggers ) doesn't even list the main
players in this scene (VisualD/Mago, GDB, WinDebugger?)

I might get started with this, but I would need to enlist the help of other
people for the other platforms/debuggers I don't have proper acess to.

The only combinations I tried so far was DMD+Windows+GDB, which seems like
it's not supported at all. And GDC+Windows32+GDB which does seem to be well
supported (GDB understands D name mangling, breakpoints in source, D data
structures layout, etc.). I'm guessing GDC+GDB on Linux works just as well.
(what about Mac though?)

GDB doesn't understand D mangling.  We currently leverage the use of
setting pretty-print names for debugging purposes, but you require to
put the names in 'quotation.marks' - I will fix this sometime this
year... maybe. :)

Perhaps I described it incorrectly then. What I mean is that most references and displays of D symbols are made using proper D names, and not mangled names (as you might get if you run it through a pure C/C++ debugger). I've haven't yet seen something like "_D8func_mod5funczFZv" on GDB compiled with GDC.

BTW, when do you need to use quotation marks (other than printing global variables)? I didnt need to use quotation marks to set function breakpoints. (I'm a GDB newbie so I'm still exploring the functionality it has.)

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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