On Sunday, 29 September 2013 at 12:57:43 UTC, Manu wrote:
Sure, it'd be /usr/local/include for dub packages.
It'd be nice to see D libs end up in the package manager at some time in
the future... incorporated into -dev packages?

/var/lib is standard path for such internal package data and, as it was already discussed in other topic, dub should not install anything out of own environment (it has a good chance to be banned out of repo if it will try)

About "-dev" packages - it is quite a delicate matter. Some of distros explicitly prohibit adding pure source packages, that is actually the very reasons why stuff like dub is necessary.

Having dub itself in repos is very important though (btw https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/dub/ lacks 3 votes for inclusion ;))

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