On Tuesday, 1 October 2013 at 18:00:34 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2013-10-01 13:36, FreeSlave wrote:

I just checked it on Linux. ClassInfo.find can't find the class from
shared library. That's what I did:

Dynamic libraries are not completely implemented yet in D. I expect this to work when the implementation is complete.

BTW, which version are you using. git HEAD has some new functionality in this area.

Now I also did this on Windows using Runtime.loadLibrary instead of dlopen, but result is same. I have 2.062 on Linux and 2.063 on Windows. Ok, I need to update to check out the actual status.

Even if it would be possible to create instances of classes using ClassInfo, I still think phobos needs module to load functions at runtime. Especially it concerns functions with mangled names (i.e. all extern(D) functions). C++ frameworks usually deal only with extern "C" functions because C++ mangling is not standardized and therefore it depends on current compiler. D however can provide same rules for all compilers. In my project I've implemented 'mangle' function by hand but I have not properly test it yet. Well, D has .mangleof but it's compiletime only. We need official runtime version that allows to write things like:

auto func = lib.getDFunction!FunctionType ("package_name.module_name.function_name");

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