On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 11:08:29 UTC, Szymon Gatner wrote:
Thanks, I actually have VisualD installed but didn't know about that functionality tho looking at the docs it is pretty limited especially when it comes to templates :(

Sorry to hear about Daniel's tool. Maybe some day...

Expecting such tool to "just work" is very unrealistic. C++ is very complex language and some behavior just can't be mapped to D directly. For example, one issue with current DMD source translation is that in C++ you can split class implementation among different translation units. Not in D.

Of course, libclang helps a lot with such tools (you don't need to write full C++ front-end on your own anymore!) but the complexity of translation is very high and you need to manually recheck it anyway so this does not seem like a feasible _generic_ tool, only something that can be adopted for specific projects.

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