Jarrett Billingsley:
> The frustrating thing about the design process of D is that it is, for
> all intents and purposes, a black box.

What are you doing now/lately, Walter, on D and why? :-)

> Don't you think it's more than a little irksome when a couple of
> popular C++ developers come along and have more influence on the
> design of D than a community of dozens of hackers who have been
> (ab)using it for years?

In few days Andrei has done good things the API of the regex module, so I am 
willing to let people more expert than me to design APIs and other things.

But sometimes I'd like Walter to listen more often to what most users ask for. 
If most users ask for something, but they not ask for another thing, there can 
be some meaning and brain behind that.

And is Walter using D enough, to write real programs? Otherwise users may know 
what's useful for D more than the person that implements the language itself :-)


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