Do you have any plans to include the code into Phobos?

Of course! :-) I am just waiting until people have finished reviewing all the other good stuff and a review manager is needed indeed. It might not be a bad idea to pick it up next, because it is just a single module and relatively simple, so review should not take too long.

Pushing it a bit might also make sense, because it fixes already existing stuff, so it is improving phobos' quality instead of just its quantity.

The code seems to be already in use by a number of people, as I distill from the feedback and I haven't heard of any issues for quite some time now.

I would be glad to have Dicebot as review manager ;-)

Best regards,


look like that `std.signal` have `Ready for review` status too long. I'm sure that Dicebot will be happy to help you as a review manager:

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