On Saturday, 12 October 2013 at 14:03:26 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
I've made short roundup of the different features/requirements that have been mentioned (may have forgotten some and added some) as this thread has a complexity that presumably makes it quite hard to follow for most readers. I have also attached an estimated priority for each requirement based on the discussion and my own experiences.

- Memory safety [very important but also very difficult/limiting]
     Disallow escaping uncounted references to reference counted
     memory. Keywords: pure, scope, isolated/owned

We have a first missing block here :D

I do think this is mandatory.

 - Objective-C compatible [important]
Weak references, manual memory management and autorelease pools are
     some keywords here

Can someone explain me what an autorelease pool is ?

 - Handle reference cycles [nice to have]
     Requires GC memory for storing the instances

The good new is that we can (and IMO should) layer ref counting on top of GC. This is the only way to make both work nicely together and have safety net for leakage.

 - Weak pointers [critical]
Only briefly mentioned, but critical for many data structures (e.g. graphs or caches) requires external reference counting

Easy for RefCounted but become tricky for GC stuff.

 - Not require two separate counts for COM [mildly important]
Using GC memory would require a second reference count for the D side of things, which is not desirable for multiple reasons

Can you explain that one a bit more ? Especially how it require 2 count.

 - Support type qualifiers [critical]
All usual type qualifiers and conversions should work as expected.
     This is not possible in a pure template based solution.

Here we have the second piece missing. We need a way to tail qualify template.

 - Not require new annotations [important]
Getting this to work without introducing new keywords/syntax is
     strongly preferred by Walter

We have 2 missing bloc to make that work (from a language perpective, many runtime/compiler magic is also required).

 - Support OOP reasonably well [important]
The usual up and down casts should work and calling functions of
     base classes needs to be safe

I see no way to make that work without increasing the scope of scope (huhuhu :P)

Please mention any points that I have forgotten so that we have some kind of unit test against which proposed designs can be checked.

You did an excellent job here. I guess we have 2 missing piece (and an incomplete one in the name of scope) to get sorted out and we can get something really nice here !

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