On Sunday, 13 October 2013 at 22:34:00 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
I've found another one inconsitency problem.

void foo(const char *);
void foo(const wchar *);
void foo(const dchar *);

void main() {

Error: function hello.foo (const(char*)) is not callable using argument types (immutable(wchar)[]) Error: function hello.foo (const(char*)) is not callable using argument types (immutable(dchar)[])

And typeof(`123`).stringof == `string`. Why `123` can be stored as null terminated utf8 string in rdata segment and `123`w nor `123`d are not? For example wide strings(utf16) are usable with windows *W functions.

The first one is made to interface with C. It is a special case.

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