13.10.2013 21:36, Robert пишет:

        * Robert's one from his new `std.signals` implementation proposal:


Obviously I don't see it, otherwise I would have fixed it. Maybe you
could elaborate a bit on your claim? Your implementation uses an
entirely different technique for hiding the reference so a direct
comparison is quite hard.

1. Have you read `gc.gc.fullcollect`, I mean a general function structure, not every line? If not, read it or you have no idea how collection performs.

2. I'm surprised you do think your implementation is correct as calling code twice (`foreach(i; 0..2)`) is an obvious hack to decrease a variety of undesired threads execution order (as it have to execute in this order twice).

----- Explanation -----

1. Race condition
In every moment GC thread can be paused in state it already marked all dead blocks and ready to collect. So before `GC.addrOf` (which will have to wait for the end of the collection as it uses same mutex) call it can collect your object (the object can be on stack or whatever, doesn't matter). Also an new object can be created occupying the same memory and `GC.addrOf` will return non-null.

2. Incorrect assumption
`o = GC.addrOf(tmp.address)` is just incorrect as you assume the object is placed at the base address of its memory block which is not guaranteed. Yes, it may be true for now (I haven't read GC sources enough to be definite here) in general case but what about some e.g. tricky user defined class instance sequences which user may create? Yes, never heard about it and just invented it, but it doesn't make this or similar case impossible. Also it's rather bad to do any needless assumption about internal stuff.

----- P.S. -----

I have to say you have a big problem especially for a programmer: you think you are competent in area you aren't and it can play a trick on you later. Please don't be angry with me, we all like to think so but we all have to look at ourselves as critically as possible to prevent problems in future.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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