On 10/14/2013 08:29 PM, ilya-stromberg wrote:
> I said: "for example via `std.net.curl.SMTP`". If you don't want to
> use curl, you shouldn't. But yes, I think that e-mail logger can be
> useful. For example Linux use it (and bash can send errors via e-mail).
> About "email format config parser that fulfills everyones wishes": you
> shouldn't do it, a simple string with error message should be enough:
> we should inform admins about the problem, not provide a marketing
> e-mail.
> If you disagree, please tell why.
I disagree on having a simple email layer among the default logger,
because I feel that having this "special" logger in would water the
design of the logging module. Maybe you are happy with a simple string
message mail with fixed subject and sender, the next guy will not. And
he will be asking for it and (we || I ) have to tell him, why the simple
one is in and his version is not. I would rather have a minimal
std(io|err), file logger version which is pure and easy to mod.

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