On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 09:38:15 UTC, Max Samukha wrote:
Long story short, D allows for two approaches to bindings like QtD:

1. The traditional one is to allocate "shells" on GC heap and have a set of manually specified rules for ownership transfers and reference count adjustments. 2. The other is more interesting - abandon the idea of reference/ownership annotations and go with semi-automatic memory management as it is in Qt, with no reliance on the GC.

At some point I wanted to switch to 2 completely, so QtD is somewhere between 1 and 2, quite a mess.

This is a really interersting point, and the part of desiging the API I found the most difficult. How do you write an interface for Qt in D that is both polymorphic and avoids memory management problems? For instance, in PyQt and PySide, you can have objects vanish because you didn't keep a reference to them, even though some other part of Qt itself might own a reference to the object.

I couldn't think of a way to do it myself which was elegant.

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