On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 16:50:52 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 10/23/2013 9:22 AM, David Nadlinger wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 16:15:56 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
A D compiler is allowed to compute floating point results at arbitrarily large precision - the storage size (float, double, real) only specify the minimum

This behavior is fairly deeply embedded into the front end, optimizer, and
various back ends.

I know we've had this topic before, but just for the record, I'm still not sold on the idea of allowing CTFE to yield different results than runtime execution.

Java initially tried to enforce a maximum precision, and it was a major disaster for them. If I have been unable to convince you, I suggest reviewing that case history.

Back when I designed and built digital electronics boards, it was beaten into my skull that chips always get faster, never slower, and the slower parts routinely became unavailable. This means that the circuits got designed with maximum propagation delays in mind, and with a minimum delay of 0. Then, when they work with a slow part, they'll still work if you swap in a faster one.

FP precision is the same concept. Swap in more precision, and your correctly designed algorithm will still work.

There are a couple of points here:

- it seems that whatever the semantics of floating-point arithmetic, they should be the same at compile-time as at run-time.

- I agree that the majority of floating point code is only improved by increasing the working precision. (If we don't worry about reproducibility across compilers/machines/etc.) The "real" data-type seems to be designed exactly for this: use "real" in numerical code and the compiler will give you a good answer at the highest performant precision. However there _are_ cases where it can be very useful to have precise control of the precision that one is using. Implementing double-double or quadruple-double data types is an example here. Viewing D as a _systems_ language, I'd like to have the ability to just have it do what I ask (and being forced to go to assembler seems unreasonable...)

Anyway, thanks for the replies. I guess I've got to go off and design the brand new D^^2 language to conform to my whims now.


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