Hello Walter,

BCS wrote:

Hello Walter,

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

Totally agree.  They're cruft that just complicate lexical

Not a significant issue, as the code to lex it is done, works, and
is readily available.

But that assumes that just using the lexer is acceptable. What if
someone needs to generate there own lexer? Say in a different
language, like D?. Or they want to generate a token highlighter?

Oh please, it's trivial to translate.

Not to regex.
Or what about if they need to make a tool in a shop that has a bad
case of NIH? Or where they must /own/ the code for legal reasons.

For a fee that would be less than what it would cost them to develop a
simpler integer lexer, I'd license it to them under whatever terms
they want.

What would you sell it outright for? As in I would own it and have every right I would have if I was the original author.

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