On Tuesday, 29 October 2013 at 19:13:28 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 10/29/13 11:16 AM, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
The main rationale for removing them was that I considered them to be low-level, rarely used functionality. Most applications *by far* will
use the "spawn" style of process creation.

That would be reason to not add, not to remove. They're there, and I must use them, otherwise my D code is 10% slower than the equivalent C++ code, in a project at work in which speed is of the essence. Why do I need to resort to the C functions?

Even if you don't buy my arguments, I think Vladimir's point about exec*() basically being POSIX specific, and nothing more than a hack on Windows, is an even stronger argument.

You are doing platform-specific stuff, so you should resort to platform-specific libraries. Were it up to me, I'd remove them from std.c too, forcing users to import core.sys.posix.unistd instead.


On usefulness: "Objection, your honor" :o). Forwarding from one process to another is an essential part of process control.

It is apparently not essential enough for it to be natively supported on Windows.

Loading another one and waiting until it's done is a very wasteful way to replace it. [...]

I'm not suggesting this as a solution for you, but let me just point out that you wouldn't have to wait until it's done. You'd spawn it and exit. On Windows this is, as Vladimir points out, exactly what happens when you call exec*(). On POSIX it comes at the cost of a fork() (which I completely agree is unacceptable in some situations).


And to quote http://dlang.org/phobos/,

"No pointless wrappers around C runtime library functions or OS API functions. [...] Pointless D wrappers around those functions just adds
blather, bloat, baggage and bugs."

This quote is thoroughly misapplied. A pointless wrapper is a one-liner. Writing a passable wrapper for exec* is quite a bit more involved.

Ok, I'll give you that.

That said, they are not actually deprecated yet (as in marked with the "deprecated" attribute), so if the community wants them back, it is a
simple matter of removing the deprecation notices.

I hope I provided compelling arguments.

Nope, I don't think so. :)

That said, I know that there are completely legitimate uses for exec*(), and I have no doubt yours is one. I also agree that the fact that the functionality is already there is an argument against removing it.

Therefore, I would like to suggest a compromise: I propose we move the functions into an std.posix.process module. (There is currently no std.posix package, but we do have std.windows, so I don't see why we can't add it.)

P.S. Also found this: "abstract final class environment". What happened to the naming conventions? Shouldn't that be capitalized?

Seems I'm the culprit again. :) The rationale is: It walks like a variable, it talks like a variable, so let's name it like a variable. The semantics of "environment" are those of a global variable (of a noncopyable associative-array-like type), and the fact that it's actually a class is an implementation detail.

Btw, environment has been in std.process for ages; it was not part of the revamp. (Or rather, it was a part of the revamp that got integrated years before the rest.)


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