On Friday, 8 November 2013 at 12:49:38 UTC, bearophile wrote:
This is something that has come out of a thread I have opened in D.learn.

In the thread qznc has answered me:

Operator precedence of "." is higher than unary minus.

That's right:

double foo(in double x) {
    assert (x >= 0);
    return x;
void main() {
    assert(-1.foo == -1);

Is this a good design of the operator precedences? Is this worth changing/fixing?


struct Foo
    int value = 9;

struct Bar
    // implements unary minus
    int value = 9;

int squareRoot(Bar bar) { return sqrt(bar.value); }

int main() {
  Foo foo;
writeln(-foo.value); // prints -9, by first getting the value and then negating it

  Bar bar;
writeln(-bar.squareRoot); // for consistency, this should also call squareRoot first // otherwise, the order of operations would depend on whether the struct has opUnary implemented

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