Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> Anyhow... it would be a bummer if the negative atmosphere as of late in 
> the group would cause people like you just lose interest. I can't 
> understand what's going on. It starts looking like a disfunctional 
> relationship: the more Walter and others do, the less content people on 
> the group are. I don't care much for being pat on the back, but it's 
> extremely disheartening to see that the more we do the more we're 
> getting yelled at. What I guess I'll do is just lay low and wait for the 
> negative ions to go away.
> Andrei

oh please, who are you kidding? we all know that the problem ain't lies with 
this is all your doing with your negative and condescending attitude towards 
others in the NG. I'm sure I'm not the first to say that.

Let's compare: 
Bartosz took upon himself the task of designing concurrency for D. For that he 
put forth a lot of effort to explain the design and the rational behind it, he 
also encouraged discussion of the subject in the NG and answered questions.
You've re-implemented phobos from scratch, but in contrast, your phobos 
(however great and superior in design) is a one man job. you didn't involve the 
community in the process like Bartosz has done even though you know that a new 
API in the standard library has a huge impact on the community. 

especially irritating to me is the fact that after all the hard work Bartosz 
has put into designing and explaining his idea you simply canceled it with a 
two line post. Have you found flaws in his design? please explain to us simple 
humans so that we can share that understanding and provide a better design.

Remember, There's a saying in business - "The customer is always right" and 
here the community of D programmers are those "customers" of the D language. No 
matter how stupid, annoying, ignorant or whatever they can be (I'm sure I fall 
under some of these categories) if you continue condescending them they *will* 
go to the competition (Python, C#, Ruby, Java, whatever).

Personally, I already switched. I see no future in D as long as you keep 
torturing its community. 

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