On 2013-11-20 11:38, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Unfortunately, I don't think that it scales at all to take the approach that
Walter has suggested of having the API normally assert on input and provide
helper functions which the caller can use to validate input when they deem
appropriate. That has the advantage of giving the caller control over what is
and isn't checked and avoiding unnecessary checks, but it also makes it much
easier to misuse the API, and I would expect the average programmer to skip
the checks in most cases. It very quickly becomes like using error codes
instead of exceptions, except that in this case, instead of an error code
being ignored, the data's validity wouldn't have even been checked in the first
place, resulting in the function being called doing who-knows-what. And the
resulting bugs could be very obvious, or they could be insidiously hard to

I think Walter suggestion requires the use of asserts:

bool isValid (Data data);

void process (Data data)
    // process

The asserts should be on by default and remove in release builds. This would require DMD shipping two versions of Phobos, one with asserts enabled and one where they're disabled. Then only when the -release flag is used the the version of Phobos with disabled asserts will be used.

Still, the most important point that I'd like to make is that I think we
should lean towards validating input with enforce by default and then provide
alternative means to avoid that validation rather than using assertions and
DbC by default, because leaving the validation up to the caller in release and
asserting in debug is going to lead to _far_ more bugs in code using Phobos,
particularly when the result isn't immediately and obviously wrong when bad
input is given. And the fact that by default, the assertions in Phobos won't
be hit in calling code unless the Phobos function is templatized (because
Phobos will have been compiled in release) makes using assertions that much

DMD need to ship with two versions of Phobos, one with assertions on and one with them disabled.

/Jacob Carlborg

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