28.11.2013 15:23, bearophile пишет:
Is it a good idea to silently statically accept duplicated keys in both
dynamic array literals and in associative array literals?

void main() {
     int[]     a = [0:10, 0:20];
     int[int] aa = [0:10, 0:20];

I don't remember having ever had the need for this, and on the other
hand I have had some mistakes like this in my D code not caught
statically by the compiler.


Note that in this post I am not discussing about inserting multiple
times a key-pair in an associative array, this is normal and useful:

void main() {
     int[int] aa;
     aa[0] = 10;
     aa[0] = 20;


File the issue please.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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