>Can't nullable / non-nullable be done in library?<

Yes, of course, people in the Scheme language have shown that you can do almost 
everything in library code. But to do that you need (beside fixing D library 
code, because the default now becomes non-null object references) a "pluggable 
type system", that is you must be able to plug-in a new piece of type system.

You can do that with a meta (programmable) type-system like Haskell one, or 
with some kind of true plug-in (think about the "neutral" function/argument 
type annotations of Python3, that are a simple example of machinery that can be 
used to plug-in a library defined type system).
I don't see both such things to be added to D2 anytime soon because they are 
complex, quite more complex than nonnullable object references.

So I'm looking for just the ""small"" change in the type system plus the short 
leading "?" syntax.

If D developers aren't interested in such thing, then a DEP can be written and 
then marked as officially refused, to avoid wasting future time discussing 
about this idea (this is another quite important purpose of Python PEPs, to 
mark ideas as refused and avoid discussing something hopeless over and over 


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