On 05/12/13 10:29, Marco Leise wrote:
I looked at Gorillaz QBasic code when my father bought our
first computer (286 PC without FPU, FPUs were out). So I
started there, and look, I could still learn other imperative
languages like D, Delphi or C++. Just not LISP or Haskell.

One of the very widespread "educational" computer programs in the UK was LOGO, which came with the BBC Micro and even had a real, robotic turtle that you could plug into the computer and guide around instead of using the "turtle" cursor on the screen.

Of course, we all used it as what it seemed to be, which was a fun program for drawing stuff. But actually LOGO is a dialect of Lisp, and in retrospect I wish I'd learned more about it ...

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