On Sunday, 8 December 2013 at 21:33:25 UTC, Nikhil Padmanabhan wrote:

I just noticed what looks like two typos in the std.process.execute documentation :

  auto dmd = execute("dmd", "myapp.d");
should be
  auto dmd = execute(["dmd", "myapp.d"]);

  if (status ==0)
should be
  if (status !=0)

Should I file a bug report, or is there a way I can simply submit a correction for review? Sorry if I missed the instructions somewhere....

-- Nikhil

You can access the Phobos source code on Github:


The documentation is in DDOC and is included in the source file (like DOxygen if you aren't already familiar) so you can edit the sample code there in the file for std.process.execute. If your corrections are wrong, someone will let you know.

Note that the website sometimes lags the actual DDOC in Phobos, so your bugs may have already been corrected by someone else (I thought I had found one once too.)



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