Reply to Rainer,

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

ON WINDOWS, DLLs are not allowed to have unresolved externals.  So if
you create a DLL in D, yes, Phobos will be linked in.  THERE IS
NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT THAT.  It's a limitation on the way
DLLs work.

In theory, wouldn't it also be possible to solve this problem by
passing a pointer to the external dependencies into the DLL via an
initialization function?

With a function resolver to pass in from the host, a whole host of function pointers and wrapper functions, I think you could make this work. It would be mess to do by hand, but with a tool to muck through the .OBJs (yuck) and build the functions... Another option (double yuck) would be to trick the linker into running and then build ("self" modifying) code into the DLL that somehow knows (another tool and multiple link passes?) where all the fix ups are and resolves them on load. (problem: your code can't be read only anymore)

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