On 12/17/13, 4:38, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
bool between(T, U1, U2)(T v, U1 lo, U2 hi)
     return v >= lo && v <= hi;

The expression a<b<c is not ambiguous in D. We could make it do what people expect.

uint among(T, Us...)(T v, Us vals)
     foreach (i, U; Us)
         if (v == vals[i]) return i + 1;
     return 0;


assert("a" in ["a":1, "b":1]);

Again, with little compiler magic we could allow that to be written as

assert("a" in ["a", "b"]);

Note that I'm not advocating for O(n) "in" for regular arrays, but merely for the compiler to recognize the "in []" pattern and Do The Right Thing.


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