Am 22.12.2013 14:24, schrieb Kelet:
On Sunday, 22 December 2013 at 13:19:48 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
When working with C-libraries in D I often wish for a equivalent of
the C++11 unique_ptr. Unfortunately this is not possible in D.
Consider the following source code:

Is error 1 a bug? Because there should cleary not be any copy at this

Should we implement moving of u so that error 2 goes away? The
compiler could move u into the function and move back out afterwards,
but that would mean that the contents of u would be invalid for the
duration of the function call (unsafe?)

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Is std.typecons.Unique[1] not the equivalent of unique_ptr?



Well yes, but I'm more interrested in moving around the ownership between functions, which works in c++11 because of the move semantics they implemented. This doesn't work in D for the shown reasons.

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