
void main()
        size_t[size_t] unions;
        auto f = File("input.txt");
        foreach ( line ; f.byLine() ) {
                auto fields = line.split();
                size_t i = to!size_t(fields[0]);
                size_t j = to!size_t(fields[1]);
                unions[i] = j; // <-- here be question
Is there a way to speed the loading? perhaps reserving memory in the hash before populating it? Or another trick?

Built-in associative arrays don't yet have a "reserve".

Some ides to speed up your code:
- Try to use parse instead of split + to!size_t
- Try to use byLineFast, in the attach here (the code is not mine): https://d.puremagic.com/issues/attachment.cgi?id=1305 - Try to disable the GC before the associative array creation and re-enable it when it's built. (This could double your max memory usage or more). To disable it import GC from core.memory and call GC.disable; and GC.enable;


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