On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 06:04:01AM +0000, Mike Parker wrote:
> On Saturday, 28 December 2013 at 01:02:54 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> wrote:
> >On Thursday, December 26, 2013 05:02:48 Hannes Steffenhagen wrote:
> >>Sorry, I'm not sure how to edit posts
> >
> >It's not possible to edit posts. There are multiple interfaces to
> >this newsgroup (NNTP, mailing list, and web forum), and the ability
> >to edit posts would not work with that. So, replying to your own post
> >with corrected information is the best that you can do.
> This is why I wish the web interface had never been called a "forum"
> in the first place. According to the common usage of that word on
> the internet, it isn't. People have certain expectations of forum
> software. When newcomers start using the web interface, they have no
> idea that it's essentially a web-based newsgroup client and not an
> actual web forum that can support all the features they expect.
> This is not the first time I've seen someone lost about how to edit
> their "forum" posts.

We should just call it a newsgroup. Or a mailing list. I prefer the
latter, since it's clear that once the mail is sent out, you can't
"unsend" it to make further corrections.


"You know, maybe we don't *need* enemies."
"Yeah, best friends are about all I can take." -- Calvin & Hobbes

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