Am 30.12.2013 15:06, schrieb Daniel Kozak:

This is cool!

Can you post somewhere your code and data which you use for this test? I
really like to test it on my new AA implementation :)

Here is the post that describes how to get the data:

And here the post how to convert it to tabular text data:

After dumping the "relationship" table from mysql I just removed the first column because it only contains the ID of the entry. I then used the remaining two columns for profiling. You will have to get the data yourself, as I can't repost it here (because its not my data).

Here is the post that describes my implementation:$2i4i$

For profiling the lookups, I generated 100_000 random numbers in the range range (0, 200_000] and saved them to a file. I then profile the lookup of those 100_000 random numbers. Out of all these numbers rughly 75% are valid indices and the rest are invalid indices to profile both the lookup of valid and invalid keys.

For profiling your implementation I just used the code you posted.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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