On 31/12/2013 14:45, Marco Leise wrote:
I guess I just don't see what an immutable string buys you.
The mutable part in a string is just a pointer and length pair.
Just write:

   immutable s = readln()[0 .. $-1];

and you have an immutable string at no cost.

What if the line is at EOF and doesn't have a trailing newline? Then surely you would lose the final byte of the input.

Moreover, does readln normalise the line break style (CR/LF/CRLF)?

I'd be inclined to define a function like

string stripLineBreak(string s) {
    while (s.length != 0 && s[$-1] != '\n' && s[$-1] != '\r') {
        s = s[0..$-1];
    return s;


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