On Tuesday, 7 January 2014 at 19:31:38 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
True enough, but for the moment we are trying to keep the scope of the project manageable. If someone wants to add it great! But until then we need to focus on what is required.

Yes, that is true, and then we should define a set of applications which it will be suitable for and what the basic model is: Should it be immediate mode, retained mode or scene graph based?

High level graphic frameworks tend to loose momentum fast, even the good ones. Example: SGI's Open Inventor is actually a neat scene graph framework, and open source, but dead. SGI's GL survived because it was low level and immediate mode.

So, I really think D is better off providing the basics in phobos first, staying true to the virtue of providing independent modules that are focused:

- OS application abstraction: graphics context, input stream, audio playback - generally useful vector path datatype compatible with phobos-collections and SVG - vector/matrix library with competitive SSE performance and features such as clamping

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