On Thursday, 16 January 2014 at 18:15:39 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
1. I guess TypeCheck is a temporary name? I would suggest e.g. CustomRTInfo.

My first thought when writing this was the TypeCheck would just contain a bunch of static asserts to ensure the type matches whatever your project's special requirements are; it would act kinda like a plugin to the compiler's semantic check. (Actually, it does the bool because my first try was to use it as a template constraint, but if that fails, ti just stops the RTInfo from instantiating; it doesn't actually fail the compile like static assert inside does.)

But CustomRTInfo is a good name too, especially if we are adding data.

2. How about using a template mixin instead of a template?

If we actually mix it in that could change the binary layout of the thing though.

We don't need the dummy bool btw, I just tried and it works the same without it.

It all fits together quite nicely. You can access stuff in your main program by importing its modules within the template mixin.


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