On Sunday, 26 January 2014 at 20:29:30 UTC, Oten wrote:
Which tools do you miss in the D language? it can be from any
language not from C or C++ only but from any language that you
have used and liked (might not liked but increased productivity
anyway)  A very common argument from peoples which do choose
other language than D is lack of your tools for D, even if they
want to get D they say can't switch. The most common tools which
they miss is debuggers/static analyzer/lint and so on. I think
that by sharing this list with community instead of just say it
like a criticizes is good because next time that some people say
that such a x tools isn't available you can say "No, there's a D
version for that". Also, totally new ideas are very welcome. If
you  have had a idea that for any reason you wouldn't implement
yourself, tell us too.
(sorry for english, not my native language)

Detection of unused imports and variables!

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