I miss check_expect from racket.

It is used for unit testing

check_expect(expression, result)
Will test if expression equals result
if it is not it print "Got expression but expected result" with file and
line information.

In D making unit tests is more tedious.
When I develop in D I typical start with.


then when the code is working I replace it with

Then if I do some refactoring which don't work I change again

When it is working again

This back and forth process in D is very tedious compared to Racket.

I think the should be a buildin function called test or something
for-filing the same role as check_expect in racket.


On 2014-01-26 21:29, Oten wrote:
> Which tools do you miss in the D language? it can be from any
> language not from C or C++ only but from any language that you
> have used and liked (might not liked but increased productivity
> anyway)  A very common argument from peoples which do choose
> other language than D is lack of your tools for D, even if they
> want to get D they say can't switch. The most common tools which
> they miss is debuggers/static analyzer/lint and so on. I think
> that by sharing this list with community instead of just say it
> like a criticizes is good because next time that some people say
> that such a x tools isn't available you can say "No, there's a D
> version for that". Also, totally new ideas are very welcome. If
> you  have had a idea that for any reason you wouldn't implement
> yourself, tell us too.
> (sorry for english, not my native language)

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