On Tuesday, 28 January 2014 at 08:32:19 UTC, Mengu wrote:
Just in case if anyone wants to speak but lacking ideas, here are some for you:

- You can talk about web development with D.
- You can talk about what are bindings and how to write C/C++ bindings with D. - You can talk about functional programming with D. (A clojure/haskell vs. D might help)
- You can talk about D vs. Rust vs. Go.
- You can talk about templates and ranges.

Because I'm unavailable to go (and would love to). I would really appreciate somebody working on a talk for web services.

If I was able to go here is some points I would have done:
* What are other frameworks doing?
* Can we replicate these things in D?
* Iteration times, how can this be improved.

I have worked out how to do it for Cmsed. Which may give somebody ideas. However it requires shared libraries and modifications to dub. Basically a template depends on a route and model, a route depends on a model. So if a template changes it can independently of a route/model. But if a route changes all three must recompile. Same deal for a model. And this would occur at runtime. Have a manager for the models and templates that allow for it to compile and have it logged (in shared library). The dub changes basically conclude, copy all string import paths to target directory, given a sub directory. Have all import files for all dependencies provided in the target directory given a sub directory. And a couple directory option like copyFiles.

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