On 1/31/14, 5:39 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Regardless, we're not adding anything with regards to non-nullable references
to the language itself [...]

I think the sea is changing here. I've collected hard data that reveals null pointer dereference is a top problem for at least certain important categories of applications. Upon discussing that data with Walter, it became clear that no amount of belief to the contrary, personal anecdote, or rhetoric can stand against the data.

It also became clear that a library solution would improve things but cannot compete with a language solution. The latter can do local flow-sensitive inference and require notations only for function signatures. Consider:

class Widget { ... }

void fun()
    // assume fetchWidget() may return null
    Widget w = fetchWidget();
    if (w)
        ... here w is automatically inferred as non-null ...

Bottom line: a language change for non-null references is on the table. It will be an important focus of 2014.


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