On Friday, 31 January 2014 at 08:25:16 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
class LockSingleton
    static LockSingleton get()
        __gshared LockSingleton _instance;

            if (_instance is null)
                _instance = new LockSingleton;

        return _instance;

    this() { }

Should't be the LockSingleton implemented like this instead?

class LockSingleton
    static auto get()
        if (_instance is null)
                if (_instance is null)
                    _instance = new LockSingleton;

        return _instance;

    this() { }
    __gshared LockSingleton _instance;

At least this is the way singleton is suggested to implement in C#, because synchronization is then needed only for initial instantiation and not allways.

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