On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 21:52:25 UTC, Araq wrote:
The thing here is that those people who are actually using Go for real problems, are finding ways of using the interface{} construct to achieve polymorphism for the problems they are solving, Thus the evidence is building that Go as it is is effective and efficacious without generics.

The thing here is that those people who are actually using assembler for real problems, are finding ways of using the 'goto' construct to achieve control flow for the problems they are solving. Thus the evidence is building that assembler as it is is effective and efficacious without structured control flow mechanims.

The analysis that is missing here is what
works and doesn't work with and without generics. We have some evidence
just no final conclusion.

The analysis that is missing here is what works and doesn't work with and without structured control flow. We have some evidence just no final conclusion.

Nice post! :)

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