Projects such as Pegged and our CTFE regex engine often serve as poster-children of what is possible in D and many agree they are among the more important projects.

I was thinking, after std.lexer is accepted, we have a stable interface, but no matter how great the code is and even if it beats the already superlative DMD lexer, it will _NOT_ be fast during CTFE.

It is also often stressed in this very forum that it's paramount for a lexer to be beyond fast.

For the above reasons, I propose that the compiler would offer an interface to retrieve an already lexed buffer, similar in concept to the existing token string q{...}

"Token strings open with the characters q{ and close with the token }. In between must be valid D tokens."

By definition they contain only valid tokens... the compiler would only have to create a range compatible with std.lexer...

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