On Sunday, 2 March 2014 at 16:56:37 UTC, Manu wrote:
OMG! Do want! :)
Can't wait for an LDC with this backend!
We'll finally have a performance compiler in windows, and 32bit support
too! :)

Still missing the exception handler though by the looks of it.

On 2 March 2014 19:47, dennis luehring <dl.so...@gmx.net> wrote:


Yes this is great, but apparently will need some time to be really usable.

Do you mean 64bit support ?
On OSX 32bit is already dead and on Windows it is in progress.
Some applications are only available as 64bit builds.

Clang is only for C languages ( C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++) the probability that one of "Microsoft Language" will be supporter is very very low. This also makes no sense. The only one the are in common with C is C# but it is managed language. Clang is all about native code gen.

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